Tron 60GPS

Tron 60GPS


  • 5 years warranty
  • Compact design
  • Tamper proof
  • Optimal visibility

The 406 Emergency Position Indication Radio Beacon(EPIRB). Tron 60S GPS auto is small and compact handheld size will be a perfect supplement to meet the growing demand for smaller size EPIRB`s, both in Float-Free and as Manual versions.

Totally sealed and with 5 years warranty are among some of the unique features Jotron offer this latest innovated EPIRB. Tron 60S GPS auto is designed to meet IMO SOLAS requirement and can be offered with the latest GPS-technology, as an option. With this handheld size Tron 60S GPS auto Jotron will be able to meet all segments of sailing vessels, from commercial vessels, fishing vessel and recreational boaters.

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