15 December 2020
JRC Iberia supplies full bridge equipment for Amazonas river vessel

JRC Iberia is proud to announce the delivery of a complete bridge concept onboard the vessel Amazonas II, which was built at Drassanes Dalmau shipyard in Barcelona, Spain.
The bridge supply is composed of a full JRC navigation and external and internal communication package including VDR, ECDIS, Alphatron BNWAS, AlphaSea pilot and Talk-Back system among others. The vessel, in which carbon fiber has been used extensively, is HSC Class A Passenger Catamaran RINA classified at 352GT and a maximum LOA of 34 m with passenger capacity above 300 persons.
Amazonas II is the latest passenger catamaran ordered by shipowner Consorcio Fluvial Del Amazonas and will be operating in a remote area of Perú between the towns of Iquitos and Cavallococha at the source of the Amazon River close to the Brazilian frontier, an area completely surrounded by the Amazonian forest.
JRC Iberia’s recently appointed new building engineer, José Luis Gualda, has been in charge of managing and commissioning the project in close coordination with the shipyard’s technical department.
Alphatron Marine Iberia, S.L.
T +34 915 022 196
E info@jrc-iberia.com